
Balinese Massage Experience
Continuing Education Course
Available Hybrid or Live
8 CEU Credits (NCBTMB-Accredited)

In-Person Training
Enrolling Now: Digital hybrid + live education programs for spa operations & massage school continuing education with Kim Collier and international educators

Location: Awana Spa at Resorts World, Las Vegas, pre-opening certification training, August 2021

Student Reviews
"I thoroughly enjoyed Kim coming into our spa on Thursday. Very generous and kind of her to offer her time with us! I loved receiving from her. It was a good 'refresher' for myself and not to mention really relaxing yet invigorating. She has wonderful energy and her pressure was spot on, medium to firm. I felt by receiving from Kim I was able to truly understand the concept of the Balinese Waves and also fine tune my abilities to give to my guests. Thank you, Kim! You are truly amazing person and feel so blessed to have been able to be a part of your training!" -- Elizabeth

Student Reviews
"What a blessing it was to have you in the spa refreshing our providers on the techniques of Balinese Waves. It is clear the time was incredibly valuable. Looking forward to more opportunities in the future." -- PAULA

Student Reviews
"I’m so glad I got to experience Kim’s technique. My time with her was extremely helpful and beneficial! It really is an amazing treatment. Feeling it changed my perspective on it. I now see how it’s a great option for those who want deeper pressure. I would perform the correct sequence but she showed me ways to make it more beneficial for the client. And it helped me understand how to set the tone and tempo with the rocking compressions. I think future trainings would really benefit from feeling the techniques from Kim, even if it’s just a couple minutes just to get a proper feel for them. I’m so grateful she took the time to show her guidance and support." -- APRIL

Organic Spa Magazine Beauty Spotlight:

Om Swastiastu
A Balinese Traditional Greeting, which translates as "peace in your heart and in the world."