Happy Bali Holidays & Winter Solstice!
The winter solstice (or hibernal solstice), also known as yule or midwinter, is an astronomical phenomenon marking the day with the shortest period of daylight and longest night of the year. This official "first day of winter" welcomes the season that heals nature, brings restorative sleep and deep peace ~ Happy Solstice!
If you feel drawn to Bali, consider these events and happenings in 2018, live and online.
I will be returning to Bali March/April 2018, please join me!
March 8-15: ShaktiWise Yoga & Meditation Retreat with Arlisa Houston
April 2-8: Bali Spirit Festival & Classes with Ellen Watson, assisted by KimCollier
April 9-13: Balinese Massage & JAMU Herbal Traditions CITBAC & NCBTMB classes at Jamu Spa School, assisted by Kim Collier
Anytime: Balinese Massage Course, on-line, anywhere 8 NCBTMB CE UNITS. Save 30% with code: doyouJAMU. Available now through June 2018
Please e-mail info@jamuspa.com for details
Thank you for your votes and support for JAMU!
Thank you ALL for 2017 together, and may 2018 be GREAT!
~ Terimakasih ~ have received love and return love to you ~