JAMU Wellness

JAMU Wellness

Hello and welcome back to JAMU Wellness!

We are so grateful to have celebrated  30 years of JAMUspa in 2023, with you too, thank you!

New Montana Made Pain Relief Products!

Honored to collaborate with Blackfeet Tribal Healers, Doug & Betsy Loring, together we bring this effective pain relief to market. As of 2023, JAMUspa & Kim Collier represent Natural Warrior Herbal Liniments, two effective products on offer.
Natural Warrior is based on analgesic properties of peppermint oil, wintergreen oil, wild arnica Montana, ginger, capsicum, myrrh, goldenseal & St. John's wort.
JAMUspa donates $1 for each bottle sold to the FAST Black Feet Food Bank in Browning, Montana.


Thank you for being part of JAMUspa wellness journey, from Bali to Montana, since 1993. 
Grateful for each of you & look forward to hearing from you, always...
My direct email: kim@jamuspa.com
Peace, Wellness, Herbal Healing & Blessings ~ Kim x


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